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Asst. Prof. Yasemin Onder, Principle Investigator

Dr. Yasemin Onder received her undergraduate degree in Psychology from Hacettepe University in Ankara, Turkey in 2006. She then moved to the US and obtained her M.S degree in Applied Cognition and Neuroscience at the University of Texas at Dallas in 2010. She earned her PhD degree in Neuroscience at the UT Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas, TX in 2018. During her PhD work, she studied the role of a circadian protein in mitochondrial function and metabolic adaptation. She then pursued her postdoctoral studies in Dr. Maribel Rios’ laboratory at Tufts University in Boston where she worked on the molecular and physiological mechanisms underlying feeding behavior and metabolic regulation in the brain. Dr. Onder’s overarching research interest is to understand how the synaptic circuitry is rewired in response to environmental and metabolic demands as well as in the context of neurological disorders and she is planning to achieve this by studies both at the cellular and circuit level using molecular biology and electrophysiology as well as using unbiased top-down genomic approaches such as single cell sequencing.</p>
Research interests:
Synaptic plasticity, GABA A receptors, neuropharmacology, metabolic adaptation, single cell genomics, molecular mechanisms of neuropsychiatric disorders, mitochondria, energy balance regulation, circadian rhythms

Dr. Yasemin Onder lisans egitimini Ankara’da Hacettepe Universitesi Psikoloji Bolumu’nde 2006 yilinda tamamladi. Sonrasinda yuksek lisans derecesini Amerika’da Texas Universitesi, Dallas’ta Uygulamali Bilis ve Sinirbilim alaninda 2010 yilinda tamamlayan Dr. Onder, 2018 yilinda Texas Universitesi Southwestern Tip Fakultesi’nde Sinirbilim alaninda doktora unvanini kazandi. Doktora suresince sirkadiyen bir proteinin
metabolic adaptasyona etkisi uzerine arastirma yuruten Dr. Onder, 2018-2021 yillari arasinda Boston Tufts Universitesi’nde doktora sonrasi arastirmaci olarak gorev aldi ve burada beyinde yeme davranisi ve metabolizmayi kontrol eden molekuler ve fizyolojik mekanizmalar uzerinde arastirmalar yapti. Dr. Onder beyindeki plastik mekanizmalar ve cevresel ya da metabolik faktorler dogrultusundaki molekuler adaptasyonlar konusunda arastirmalarini surdurmeyi planlamaktadir.

Araştırma alanları:
Nöroplastisite, GABA A reseptörleri, nörofarmakoloji, metabolik adaptasyon mekanizmaları, tek hücreli RNA dizileme, nöropsikiyatrik hastalıkların moleküler mekanizmaları, mitokondri, enerji dengesi regülasyonu, sirkadiyen ritim