We said goodbye to our BİÇABA intern Selen Aktaş, who has been part of NeuroBM lab family for the past 6 months. (15.11.2023)

We said goodbye to our summer intern, Mustafa Yadigar Akbaş. We wish him best of luck in his future adventures! (26.09.2023)

Our master’s student Rahaf Ata Ouda Al-Masri successfully presented her poster in 21st National Neuroscience Congress. (09.06.2023)

We are excited to announce the official opening of the Neurobiology of Metabolism (NeuroBM) laboratory which is the first neuroscience wet lab research laboratory at Kadir Has University. (31.05.2023)

Dr. Yasemin Onder has been invited to deliver the talk at National Physiology Congress (UFK2022) in Antalya. (02.11.2022) 

We welcome our new Ph.D. student Hanife Dilvin Yıldırım for joining our lab. (31.01.2023)

We would like to welcome our other Ph.D. student, Ms. Megha Gautam, for joining the lab, welcome to the lab. (10.10.2022)

It’s time to welcome our Ph.D. student Mr. Muhammad Deniz Oksal, hearty congratulations for joining the lab. (15.09.2022)

We welcome Ms. Rahaf Al-Masri for joining our lab as a graduate student. (01.08.2022)

We are happy to announce that we have openings for 2 Ph.D. positions, 1 postdoc, and 1 graduate student.(28.06.2022)

Our lab is on the National News! Dr. Yasemin Önder has been interviewed about her recent success and she shared her views on the current situation of neuroscience research.


Our lab has been awarded the TUBITAK BIDEB 2232 International Fellowship for Early-Stage Researchers Grant, which will support our project investigating the adaptive inhibitory neurocircuitry underlying metabolic function. (25.03.2022)